Monday, October 29, 2007

Its a Good Life

One of the good things about being 40 (o.k. 40ish) is that you really do gain a bit of life wisdom along the way.

One of the lessons I've learned is that, at least for me, life is very cyclical. This lesson is tremendously helpful to me when I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, or overwhelmed with life in general.

Last Monday, I was really feeling like I was holding on by my bootstraps. My brain was working 1,000 miles an hour, but my body was protesting. I was in that kind of mood where, if anyone had been nice to me, had offered a hug, I would have broken down and sobbed for hours.

Not a lot has really changed since last Monday, except my attitude.

When I get in a funk like that, I know that I really just need to ride it out and it will get better.

Today, I feel happy, and peaceful - ready to face some challenges that are ahead of us. My kids are healthy - except for that danged body cast - and I have a warm safe place to live, with food on my table for dinner - and that is enough for me today.

We really are obliged to live good lives. Its how we honor those whom we have loved and lost. Its how we thank God.

This week, one of Paige's caseworkers passed away from ovarian cancer. She was just 52, and has her first grandbaby on the way, her other daughter is getting married in the Spring.

She was such a kind person, and her death was sudden - she had been doing well with her treatments until just a couple of weeks ago. She touched many lives through her work, and through her friendships.

The lines for her calling hours were out of the building and down the street yesterday. This morning, her family will say their final goodbyes to her. They will mourn, and weep, and feel incredibly sad. I imagine there will be times when they want to crumble, and not go on.

But, they will go on. And they will welcome that new baby, and the new husband, and their deep sadness will change to a longing for her to see them live their best lives. The memories of her will become stories for her grandchildren to be shared and cherished.

My thoughts and prayers are with them today - may they be blessed with the ability to do it one day at a time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A beautiful post and one that is so very wise.

I love to listen to circle of my most favorite CDs is call 'A Circle Is Cast'.

Hugs to you my dear friend.